Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Today while I was BLoG HoPPiNG I came across this really cute blog with a really SiMPLe, but FuN idea!

It's called..
To find out how it works just check out the link above.

WiSH #1. THaT i HaD a CaMeLBaCK FuLL oF HiKiNG eQuiPMeNT To TaKe oN a ReaL LoNG TRaiL. Candace and I were talking about this today. We are gonna load our camelbacks with all sorts of hiking goods and hit the trails :) 

WiSH #2. SuNSHiNe & WaRM WeaTHeR. To take our soon-to-be packs through the mountains!

WiSH #3. oNe oF you To PiCK a NuMBeR BeTwEEn 1 aND 310. I absolutely love looking back at the past and remembering all the things that have made me the person I am today. So every Monday I'll post and ask for the next weeks numbers; then you guys do the same :) I'm gonna call them MoNDaY's MeMoRieS. I want to start a link party eventually, so lets do it! 


  1. Thank you for doing this! Great wishes :) What a great idea number 3 is! I pick number 120

  2. What a cute list! I love sunshine and warm weather too :D And, I LOVE number 3! I pick 276 :D

  3. Adorable! I love hiking :D
    I choose 36 :)

  4. Great idea! I pick number 19. =]

  5. i came over from candace's blog :) i think it's so awesome that you guys want to get outdoors!! nature is good for the body and the soul i tell ya :) And that cairn (pile of rocks to show you're on the right trial) made me think of my dad! :)

    Anyway, love your wednesday wishes!

    oh and i pick number 222 :)
