Monday, November 17, 2008

UnO, dOs, TrEs!

Alrighty TiFf!! :D

3 of my recent favorite purchases:
1. my NeW pHoNe!
2. ChRiStMaS pReSeNtS :)
3. ByU v. UsC wOmEnS sOcCeR tIcKeT

3 favorite movies:
1. TiTaNiC
2. ThE rInG
3. JuSt LiKe HeAvEn

3 things I haven't done yet:
1. my GrApHiC dEsIgN hOmEwOrK
2. FoLdEd My LaUnDrY
3. OrGaNiZeD all my KeEpSaKeS

3 things I can't live without:
1. my FrIeNdS!
2. my PhOnE
3. eFy :) haha

3 of my favorite dishes:
1. BaKeD sPaGhEtTi
2. PoRk BuRrItO from CaFe RiO
3. PoRk SaLaD from CoStA vIdA

3 of my favorite TV shows:
1. CsI (only the VeGaS one.. I don't care for the others)
2. ThE oFfIcE
3. BiGgEsT lOsEr (yes yes my family is addicted)

3 of the last places I've traveled:
1. ReXbUrG
2. ArChEs
3. CaLiFoRnIa

3 of my favorite treats:
1. ChOcOlAtE tRiFlE
2. anything else with BrOwNiEs!
3. ChOcOlAtE :D (a definite ChOcOhOlIc!)

3 things I'd buy if money weren't an issue:
1. a super nice PrOfEsSiOnAl DiGiTaL cAmErA
2. everything i'd need for some SuPeR fUn RoAdTrIpS!
3. a BeAcH hOuSe

3 people I tag:
1. JuLiAnNe MuRdOcH
2. AmY dAvIs
3. AlEx PiZzA

1 comment:

  1. Yipee! Oooh I shoulda put the Office! That show is like 10 stars.
